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Digital Complexion Analysis

Identify Your Skin Conditions with Digital Complexion Analysis

New Radiance is proud to offer the latest advancement in skin care: digital complexion analysis. We employ advanced VISIA technology to identify your skin’s conditions – both above and below the surface of the skin. The digital analysis enables our expert practitioners to create and recommend the best possible treatment plan to refresh, rejuvenate and preserve your youthful appearance.

The digital complexion analysis process works like this:

  • Two sets of facial photos are captured by the system.
  • One set of photos is in normal light. This evaluates the surface conditions.
  • The second set of photos is under Ultraviolet (UV) light. This evaluates the subsurface conditions.
  • The photos are digitally processed and our experts then identify and evaluate spots, pores, wrinkles, texture, bacteria in your pores, sun damage and/or UV spots.

Digital Complexion Analysis

Get a Free Digital Complexion Analysis

Book an appointment today for a free consultation and get a digital complexion analysis that will identify your skin’s conditions – both above and below the surface – and enable our expert providers to recommend the best possible treatment plan to see a more radiant you!

Call Now: 561.375.5616 or contact us to book a free analysis and let us develop the best possible treatment plan for your skin!

Digital Complexion Analysis Spots


Typically brown or red skin marks, distinguishable by the distinct color and contrast from the background skin tone. Spots vary in size and shape, and are normally visible to the naked eye.

Digital Complexion Analysis Wrinkles


Furrows, folds or creases in the skin that can increase as a result of sun exposure and are associated with a decrease in skin elasticity.

Digital Complexion Analysis Texture


Raised and depressed areas that indicate variations on the skin surface affecting skin smoothness.

Digital Complexion Analysis Pores


Circular surface openings of sweat gland ducts. Due to shadowing, enlarged pores appear darker than the surrounding skin tone and are identified by the darker color and circular shape.

Digital Complexion Analysis UV Spots

UV Spots

The absorption of UV light by epidermal melanin just below the skin surface results in the display and detection of UV spots that can result from sun damage.

Digital Complexion Analysis Brown Spots

Brown Spots

Pigmentation and discoloration on and beneath the surface of the skin.

Digital Complexion Analysis Red Areas

Red Areas

Concentrated darker red areas, which may be related to a variety of conditions such as inflammation or spider veins.

Digital Complexion Analysis Porphyrins


Bacterial excretions that can become lodged in pores.

Digital Complexion Analysis Consultation

The digital complexion analysis generated by the VISIA system provides our experts with a clear “road map” of your individual skin care needs. During a consultation about your skin’s specific needs, our expert practitioners will provide you with a treatment plan detailing the best combination of options to achieve the results you desire. Achieve optimal facial rejuvenation by combining your immediate concerns with long-term goals for healthier and radiant skin. Our treatment plan will be optimal for you and your budget.

Call 561-776-0116 Now to Book your Digital Complexion Analysis to get started!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the definitions of the various skin features and how are the features detected?

Spots : Spots are typically brown or red skin lesions including freckles, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation and vascular lesions. Spots are distinguishable by their distinct color and contrast from the background skin tone. Spots vary in size and generally have a circular shape.

Pores : Pores are the circular surface openings of sweat gland ducts. Due to shadowing, pores appear darker than the surrounding skin tone and are identified by their darker color and circular shape. The digital complexion analysis technology distinguishes pores from spots based on size; by definition, the area of a pore is much smaller than a spot.

Wrinkles : Wrinkles are furrows, folds or creases in the skin, which increase in occurrence as a result of sun exposure, and are associated with decreasing skin elasticity. This skin feature has the greatest variability from image to image as it is highly dependent upon the facial expression of the client. Wrinkles are identified by their characteristic long, narrow shape.

Texture: Texture is primarily an analysis of skin smoothness. Texture measures skin color and smoothness by identifying gradations in color from the surrounding skin tone, as well as peaks and valleys on the skin surface that indicate variations in the surface texture.

Porphyrins : Porphyrins are bacterial excretions that can become lodged in pores and lead to acne. Porphyrins fluoresce in UV light and exhibit circular white spot characteristics.

UV Spots : UV spots occur when melanin coagulates below the skin surface as a result of sun damage. UV spots are generally invisible under normal lighting conditions. The selective absorption of the UV light by the epidermal melanin enhances its display and detection by digital complexion analysis.

Red Areas : Red Areas represent a potential variety of conditions, such as acne, inflammation, Rosacea or spider veins. Blood vessels and hemoglobin contained in the papillary dermis, a sub-layer of skin, give these structures their red color, which is detected by the digital complexion analysis. Acne spots and inflammation vary in size but are generally round in shape. Rosacea is usually larger and diffuse compared to acne, and spider veins usually are short, thin and can be interconnected in a dense network.

Brown spots: Brown Spots are lesions on the skin such as hyper-pigmentation, freckles, lentigines and melasma. Brown Spots occur from an excess of Melanin. Melanin is produced by melanocytes in the bottom layer of the epidermis. Brown Spots produce an uneven appearance to the skin, and are detected in the digital complexion analysis.

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