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How Much Does Smart Liposuction Cost?

Smart Liposuction Treatment Cost Depends on Your Personal Goals, the Amount of Fat to be Removed and the Amount of Fat to be Transferred

For Smart Liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift, natural breast augmentation with fat transfer and fat transfer to face, a popular question we’re asked is “How much does Smart Liposuction cost?” As with all cosmetic treatments – or even the number of workouts required at the gym – the cost of Smart Liposuction depends on how much fat reduction you desire, how many areas you wish to treat and the whether or not you wish to transfer removed fat to another area of your body to achieve your goal.*

Every person’s body type and goals for Smart Liposuction and fat transfer vary. The number of liters of fat removed will be different or each person and pricing for Smart Liposuction is based on the volume of fat removed.

Smart Liposuction is affordable! We have multiple Smart Liposuction financing options available that equate to about the price of one store bought cup of coffee per day (about $2.50/day with Care Credit, for example). You probably didn’t think that you could get an amazing new look for about the same price as what you’d spend on a latte each day… but you can!*

Because every individuals goals are unique, you’ll need to request a free Smart Liposuction consultation to determine the actual cost to achieve your goals. Our surgeons will assess your body and provide you with a personalized treatment plan to achieve your goals.

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Smart Liposuction Typical Costs

Smart Liposuction offers services at $2,000-$5,000 less than other area surgeons with our office-based procedures. With all current Smart Liposuction incentives and discounts applied, for most patients, Smart Liposuction (without fat transfer) costs between $3,000 and $5,000 to achieve the average person’s personal goals. The cost is less to reduce fat for women or me with less fat – for example, improving abdomen definition – or more for women or men starting with a larger volume of fat.

Smart Liposuction with Fat Transfer Pricing

Smart Liposuction also offers fat transfer services at $2,000-$5,000 less than other area surgeons with our office-based procedures.

Brazilian Butt Lift Pricing

With all current Smart Liposuction incentives and discounts applied, for most patients, Smart Liposuction with fat transfer to buttocks starts at $5,495 (or $149/month for 60 months with Care Credit) to achieve abdominal fat reduction and increasing volume in the buttocks. This price is typical for two areas of liposuction on a small sized patient, with fat transfer to buttocks. Typically, this would include flanks and saddle bags.

For three areas of Smart Liposuction with a fat transfer to the buttocks, pricing starts at $6,995. This would include abdomen, flanks and saddlebags (other areas may be substituted).

Smart Liposuction is priced based on volume of fat removed and transferred. Pricing will therefore differ for various sized patients. For this reason, a consultation is necessary to obtain definitive pricing.

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