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Smart Liposuction Testimonials

Smart Liposuction results speak for themselves as can be seen in our Before and After Photos.*

Patients’ experience is also important. Read our testimonials to see how Smart Liposuction has helped others achieve their personal esthetic goals.

I'm normally reserved in my 'reviewing' of people, places and things, but I have to say 6 weeks post 'Smart Lipo' procedure I couldn't be happier w the results and intend on more 'work' in the future 🙂 I would definitely feel confident recommending them for Smart Lipo/body sculpting.

Melissa *

Smart Liposuction has done for me what years of diet and exercise couldn’t. I had a double chin and wobbly underarms so that short sleeves were embarrassing. Now, my unflattering upper arm fat is gone and my neck and chin make me look 40 pounds lighter plus my skin feels smoother and tighter. Sleeveless clothes are now part of my wardrobe again for the first time in years.

Sandy *

I definitely had problem fat on my abs, hips, and thighs lower buttock area and it made it difficult for me to get clothes to fit my figure. The exercise and dieting routines I did didn’t effect those areas. There are several SmartLipo centers that I could go to but I chose Smart Liposuction because I had a friend who also had the procedure done there and she looked great. I felt safer going there considering that it was an Accredited Facility. I am so glad that I did as I am now a well-sculpted and happy client with a beautiful derriere.

Tracy B *

Following the delivery of third child, I was left with a tummy with a bulge of fat that and nothing I did could persuade it to go away. I also had sagging, loose skin that I felt it looked terrible. I didn't ever want to put a bathing suit on again. Smart Lipo Ultra laser liposuction at perfected my tummy, leaving me looking almost the way I looked like prior to my kids, doing wonders for my figure and self confidence. I can now even wear a bikini. Thank you New Radiance.

Barbara Simon *

God how I wanted to get rid of my back fat, belly roll and love handles but nothing worked and I was lost for what to do. Then I heard about Smart Liposuction at New Radiance. I had heard radio spots for other places but went online and read the blogs and they are scary. Wow, talk about unhappy customers. So I put it off and thought it was just a scam. Then a friend told me about Smart Liposuction. She said this was a place that offers Smart Lipo and that they were more experienced than anyone else in South Florida. I hoped for the best and that is exactly what I got. Thank you so much.

Betty *

I had a big problem. My buttocks ruined my figure and I could only dress like a mop. Fat on my abs, hips, and thighs made it impossible for me to get anything nice clothes wise to fit my figure. The exercise and dieting routines I tried… nope, they didn’t affect those areas. Now? Well let’s just say that they can use before and after pictures and I have a new wardrobe. I am so glad that I found the best and greatest Brazilian Butt Lift Expert as I am now a sculpted and happy client with a derriere I am proud of.

Gracie *

How I wanted a figure. But I had fat. A muffin top, belly roll, love handles and a poky belly. And my butt? Well let’s just say forget about it because that is what I wanted to do. I was lost. Then I heard about Smart Liposuction but I thought that the procedure was far beyond my budget. I had heard other places charged $10,000 or more so I went online and read the blogs and saw the before and after pictures. Wow, talk about results, but could it be me? So I came in for a free consultation. I hoped for the best but what I got is beyond my hopes and dreams. Thank you so much.

Our Patient *

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