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Double Chin Reduction

Multiple Treatments for Double Chin Reduction

Your face is the first thing people see! A double chin can’t be hidden by clothing or makeup. Now, getting rid of it is easy!*

New Radiance Cosmetic Centers offers multiple non-invasive treatments to eliminate double chins (AKA Turkey Neck) by reducing chin fat for good. We also have treatments for tightening loose skin under the neck after fat removal. Double chin and neck skin laxity can make you look years older and destroy confidence. Now you can find the treatment best suited for you!*

Which double chin reduction treatment is right for me? We recommend you call us now at 561.375.5616 or fill out our Request a Free Consultation form to book a free consultation. Our medical professionals will find the double chin reduction treatment best suited to achieve your goal.

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Kybella dissolves away fat under the chin, contouring and flattening the submental area without surgery. Treatment is fast (20-30 minutes). It destroys fat cells and is customizable to your goals!*

Learn More About Kybella

Call Now: 561.375.5616 or fill out our Request a Free Consultation form to book your free consultation to see if Kybella is right for you!

Which Double Chin Reduction Treatment is Best for You?

When seeking the non-surgical double chin reduction or neck rejuvenation treatment that is best for you, there are multiple factors to consider when determining the best treatment path to take. These factors include:

  • The amount of fat and loose skin on the neck.
  • Number of recommended treatments.
  • Expected results.
  • Cost.
  • Downtime.
  • Side effects.

The double chin treatment best suited to achieve your personal goals will depend on your specific concerns in the neck area, reducing submental (chin) fat, tighten lax skin or both.

New Radiance Cosmetic Centers offers four effective treatments that reduce submental fat. The best way to find out which treatment will be best for you is to book a free consultation. Call Now: 561.375.5616 or fill out our Request a Free Consultation form.

Continue reading to learn about the different treatments available and get answers to frequently asked questions!

CoolSculpting with CoolMini

CoolSculpting often the preferred option for people who need to eliminate fat under the chin, but don’t like injections. CoolMini typically reduces submental fat by 25% per treatment.

CoolSculpting Mini is a procedure in which the fat cells are frozen using a system known as Cryolipolysis. The neck skin and underlying adipose tissue are sucked into a small chamber in the CoolMini device. The device induces controlled cooling that causes fat cells to die (apoptosis). The frozen fat cells are then naturally eliminated by the body, with full results seen 8-12 weeks after the treatment.
The CoolMini is a specially designed applicator that can treat small areas of fat. CoolSculpting chin treatment also works on jowls and jawline. There is little to no downtime with the CoolSculpting Mini treatment, so you can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.
Patients say It is “Worth It!” on

CoolSculpting with CoolMini treatments at New Radiance Cosmetic Centers include a free bonus Exilis Ultra skin tightening treatment to reduce skin laxity after treatment. Depending on the amount of skin laxity, you may need additional Exilis Ultra or Ultherapy treatments to tighten neck skin to achieve your personal goals.*

Learn More About CoolSculpting for Chin

CoolSculpting Chin Treatment | Before CoolSculpting Chin Treatment | After

Individual results vary. Real CoolSculpting for Chin patient.*


Kybella is an injectable treatment for double chin and is an easy quick-fix! It was the first non-invasive procedure cleared by the FDA for getting rid of the excess fat under the chin that can make us look like we have a turkey neck. Kybella is composed of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that the body produces naturally to help absorb fats.*

Kybella effectively reduces submental fat. However, it does not tighten the skin. It is therefore recommended for individuals with good skin tone. Exilis Ultra and Ultherapy may be needed to tighten up loose skin after submental fat reduction with Kybella.*

Patients say Kybella is “Worth It!” on!
Kybella has been extensively tested by the FDA and the focus of a global clinical studies in more than 20 countries.

Learn More About Kybella

Kybella Before 1 Kybella After 1

Individual results vary. Real Kybella patient, 35 years old, treated with 12ml over three treatments. *

SculpSure for Chin, Neck and Jawline

SculpSure is a laser treatment that effectively reduces submental fat. SculpSure for chin, neck and jawline is a safe and effective double chin reduction treatment.*

Even adults that are height to weight proportionate can develop a double chin. Fact: the chin is an area of the body that is known as a haven for tenacious fat cells. Fortunately, the latest advancements in SculpSure chin fat reduction technology efficiently target and eliminate stubborn submental fat.*

New Radiance Cosmetic Centers offer the latest non-invasive SculpSure for double chin treatment laser technology. Our experts wield SculpSure technology to melt that wattle without surgery. It can reduce or eliminate the appearance of double chin in as little as 25 minutes. Plus, there’s none of the downtime or recovery period associated with plastic surgery. It can dissolve that double chin during your lunch hour.*

Learn More About SculpSure for Chin, Neck and Jawline

SculpSure Double Chin Before and After Photo 1

Individual results vary. Real SculpSure for Chin patient.*


Ultherapy tightens the skin, but is not designed to dissolve fat. Although it will not reduce the appearance of under-chin fat, it can be used in conjunction with Kybella, CoolSculpting or SculpSure to tighten any sagging skin that is left after the fat has been eliminated. This is essential in some cases to achieve the desired results since loose skin may give the appearance of a double chin rather than excess submental fat. In those cases, Ultherapy is the choice for neck rejuvenation treatment.*

Learn More About Ultherapy

Ultherapy Before and After Photo Neck

Individual results vary. Real Ultherapy patient.*

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Double Chin?

Double chin is the presence of excess submental fat. This submental fullness – a gathering of excess fat beneath the chin – is commonly known as “double chin.” A double chin can be something you’ve had your whole life due to genetics or it may start to appear as you get older or if you gain weight.

What Treatments are Available for Double Chin Reduction?

New Radiance Cosmetic Centers offers a comprehensive selection of double chin reduction treatments. The treatments are effective through several processes:

Kybella is an injectable treatment that dissolves submental fat with Deoxycholic acid.

CoolSculpting for Chin freezes away submental fat with the specialized CoolMini applicator.

SculpSure for Chin, Neck and Jawline uses heat to destroy fat cells.

Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound energy to heat up the underlying tissues of the skin.

How Soon Will I See Results?

The results for Kybella, CoolSculpting and SculpSure generally take between 4-12 weeks to appear while the body metabolizes and eliminates the dead fat cells.*

Are the Treatments Safe?

CoolSculpting with CoolMini, SculpSure, Kybella and Ultherapy all have received high levels of patient satisfaction. All of the treatments are FDA-cleared as safe and effective.*

Who Is a Good Candidate for Double Chin Reduction Treatment?

Patients contemplating a non-invasive treatment for submental fat should be relatively fit and near their ideal weight. The procedures are not meant for people who are significantly overweight. CoolSculpting, SculpSure and Kybella are designed to sculpt and contour small areas of stubborn fat.*

How Do I Know Which Treatment is Right for Me?

We recommend you call us now at 561.375.5616 or fill out our Request a Free Consultation form to book a free consultation. Our medical professionals will find the double chin reduction treatment best suited to reduce your excess submental fat.*

Who Gets the Best Results?

Younger patients with good skin tone and isolated pockets of under-chin fat, usually get the best results with non-invasive treatments for submental fullness.*

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